The Numbers That May Have Convinced Elon Musk That Twitter Was Worth $44 Billion

Elon Musk is anything but conventional. Typically, when companies (or multi-billionaires) spend boatloads of money on acquisitions, they take their time reviewing internal documents and financial statements…

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When Should I Buy a House-

It’s not a fun time to try and buy a house.  Mortgage rates have slipped since last fall, but remain significantly higher than they’ve been for more…

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What the Crash of the Euro Means for American Tourists

A handful of American consumers–especially tourists visiting Europe–stand to benefit from the U.S. dollar’s recent strengthening against the euro, but the wider impact on the U.S. economy…

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What Young Saudis Think About ‘Sportswashing’ Allegations

Standing in a luxury spectator stand on Saturday night, Abdullah Sarhan stared down at the newest track on the Formula 1 series, as the world’s top race-car…

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